Wellness Resources of Vermont —Catalyst for Personal Growth
Wellness Resources of Vermont specializes in promoting personal development. We offer custom-tailored training for teams, coaching for individuals, and consultation for organizations —addressing issues relating to communication, collaboration, decision-making, leadership style, and conflict. Since we target these problems at a root cause level, the impact of our work reaches far beyond resolving the crisis at hand. While solving an organization’s immediate problem is usually the top priority, our underlying agenda is to plant seeds of personal growth and team development that will both boost the organization’s bottom line and help individuals lead more satisfying and fulfilling lives.
The understanding of self and others that a basic grasp of personality brings can foster self-acceptance and personal growth, and improved relationships, self-management, communication, and overall effectiveness. In our custom tailored experiential team training sessions, we often use the Integrated Problem-Solving™ program. For one-on-one counseling and coaching, we usually employ the MBTI® personality assessment instrument.
With a focus on coaching and organizational development, why do we call ourselves “Wellness Resources?” Our fundamental operating premise is that the greatest potential for improving any organization’s success lies in enhancing the wellbeing of its people. We do not approach the task like emergency medical technicians, focused solely on the immediate symptoms. Like a good physician, we are also concerned with addressing the underlying conditions that led to the crisis—conditions which usually involve issues of personal development and interpersonal relationships. By helping to expand participants’ psychological flexibility, we impact their fundamental wellbeing and effectiveness at the same time we address the immediate crisis. Whether your focus is on solving a difficult immediate problem or on long-term cultivation of your organization’s human resources potential, we invite you to contact us to learn more about the training and coaching services we offer.
Wellness Resources of Vermont is a member of Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility and the Association for Psychological Type International.
Integrated Problem-Solving is a trademark of Mark Hunziker. MBTI and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are trademarks or registered trademarks of the MBTI® Trust, Inc. in the United States and other countries